Locksmith/Key Request

University Facilities Management's locksmiths provide services for all campus buildings. The locksmiths are responsible for lock changes, re-keying, installation and repair of locks, and cutting keys.

Keys are distributed through University Facilities Management's Lock Shop and can be picked up Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Three to five working days are normally required for completion of key requests. Emergency requests, however, are honored as quickly as possible.

The Lock Shop does follow a strict Building Access Procedure for the sole purpose of maintaining the integrity of the University. Please refer to this procedure when requesting access. All key requests submitted via Bronco Worx go through an approval process that requires the appropriate department head to approve before the key request is processed. Requests for master keys require the master key request form to be completed and attached to the Bronco Worx request.

The above costs are based on the importance of, and potential risks associated with the various type of key and further highlight the reason for not leaving campus with keys other than those necessary to access an office or work area (“G” or “J” Operating Keys). If an East or West Campus Master Key is lost or stolen, it will require the re-keying of all building access doors to include the cost of replacement parts and labor. Charges will be billed to the department of the East or West Campus Master Key holder. As noted above the replacement cost for an East or West Campus Master Key will be determined according to the individual building as each building will have varied access points that will require re-keying.


How do I submit a key request?

Complete and submit a work order Key Request and attached the signed Key Request Form