Upcoming Teams Trainings

Daily Announcements
Date: May 24, 2022

Microsoft Teams Lunch and LearnMicrosoft (TEAMS) Lunch & Learn


The ITS Lunch and Learn series is an opportunity to learn about Microsoft Teams during the lunch hour. All meetings will be held via Teams ONLY.

TOPICS (Names of topics are links to meetings)
May 26 Go further together with meetings in Microsoft Teams

The world of work has changed. With the growth of technology, we’re no longer required to go into an office to access the files and information we need to do our jobs. This course will demonstrate key features of Microsoft teams meetings and webinars, including collaboration tools, breakout rooms and access to meeting resources.

 Create and manage Teams meetings of all sizes.
 Make the best use of collaboration tools before, during, and after meetings
 Leverage breakout rooms for interactivity
 Manage who can access meeting resources before, during, and after meetings


JUNE 2 Calling and meetings in Microsoft Teams

June 9 SharePoint Level 100

Contact: training@uncfsu.edu

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