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Dr. Danielle Nesbitt

Chair/Associate Professor

Dr. Danielle Nesbitt is a Professor of Health and Physical Education in the Department of Health, Physical and Secondary Education at Fayetteville State University. Her teaching includes but not limited to Physical Education Methods K-12, Introduction to Teaching Physical Education, Adapted Physical Education, Measurement and Evaluation, Motor Learning and Control, and Biomechanics. Dr. Nesbitt received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Clemson University, Master of Arts in Teaching, Physical Education, and her Ph.D. in Physical Education from the University of South Carolina. 

Dr. Nesbitt's current research centers on functional motor competence, primarily one's ability to stand, as a way to enhance the understanding of the origin, development, and decline of human movement as it relates to potential health risk behavior (PA, weight status, and health-related fitness) in children, adolescents, and adults. Examining functional motor competence provides a unique window to understand why developing the ability to move effectively in childhood is vital for promoting positive trajectories of physical activity, fitness and weight status levels across childhood and adolescence, as well as continued physical activity as adults. Her research examining supine-to-stand as a measure of functional motor competence has proven fruitful as the development of supine-to-stand has been noted as a precursor to physical independence in early childhood and the elderly, its consistent link to cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength/endurance, and bodyweight status from early childhood into adulthood provides valuable insight for its potential significance as an early lifespan assessment screening tool.  

Nesbitt's work has been published in Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, Journal of Sport Sciences, American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, Journal of Motor Learning and Development, and others. Nesbitt has over 30 national and international presentations regarding Adapted Physical Education, Physical Education, Motor Development, and Physical Activity.  

In addition, Dr. Nesbitt was recently selected as a member of the 2020 class of Research Fellows of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America.


Terlizzi, B.M., Hulteen, R.M., Rudd, J., Sacko, R.S., Sgrò, F., Jaakkola, T., Abrams, T.C., Brian, A., Nesbitt, D., De Meester, A. and Fraley, A.L., (2024). A pre-longitudinal screen of performance in an integrated assessment of throwing and catching competence. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy,1-13.

Nesbitt, D. R., Molina, S., Robinson, L., Brian, A., & Stodden, D. F. (In Review). Examining supine-to-stand as a measure of health. Journal of Sport Sciences.

Nesbitt, D., & Bullard, D. (2021). Understanding Fundamental Movement Skills, Strategies, 34:3, 5-10, DOI: 10.1080/08924562.2021.1896909

Nesbitt, D., Fisher, J., & Stodden, D. F. (2021). Appropriate instructional practice in physical education: A systematic review of literature from 2000 to 2020. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 92(2), 235-247.

Bryant, L., Burson, S. L., Fisher, J., Killian, C. M., Mulhearn, S. C., Nesbitt, D., ... & Castelli, D. M. (2021). Evidence Supporting the Essential Components of Physical Education as a Measure of Quality. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 92(2), 259-269.

Michael, S., Wright, Woods, A., van der Mars, H., Brusseau, T., Stodden, D.F., Burson, S., Killian, C., Mulhearn, S., Nesbitt, D., Pfledderer, C., & Castelli, D. (2021). Rationale for the Essential Components of Physical Education. Journal Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport.  

Cattuzzo, M. T., Santana, F. S. D., Safons, M. P., Ré, A. H. N., Nesbitt, D. R., Santos, A. B. D., ... & Stodden, D. F. (2020). Assessment in the Supine-To-Stand Task and Functional Health from Youth to Old Age: A Systematic Review. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(16), 5794.

Egan, C.A., Webster, C.A., Beets, M.W., Michael, R., Weaver, R.G., Russ, L.B., Nesbitt, D., Choukroun, H., &Orendorff, K. L. (2019). Sedentary Time and Behavior during School: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. American Journal of Health Education, 50(5), 283-290.

Luz, C., Cordovil, R., Rodrigues, L.P., Gao, Z., Goodway, J.D., Sacko, R.S., Nesbitt, D.R., Ferkel, R.C., True, L.K. and Stodden, D.F. (2019). Motor competence and health-related fitness in children: a cross-cultural comparison between Portugal and the United States. Journal of sport and health science, 8(2), 130-136.

Sacko, R. S., Brazendale, K., Brian, A., McIver, K., Nesbitt, D., Pfeifer, C., & Stodden, D. F. (2019). Comparison of indirect calorimetry-and accelerometry-based energy expenditure during object project skill performance. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 23(2), 148-158.

Sacko, R. S., Nesbitt, D., McIver, K., Brian, A., Bardid, F., & Stodden, D. F. (2019). Children's metabolic expenditure during object projection skill performance: New insight for activity intensity relativity. Journal of sports sciences, 37(15), 1755-1761.

Sacko, R., McIver, K., Brazendale, K., Pfeifer, C., Brian, A., Nesbitt, D., & Stodden, D. F. (2019). Comparison of Indirect Calorimetry-and Accelerometry-Based Energy Expenditure During Children's Discrete Skill Performance. Research quarterly for exercise and sport, 90(4), 629-640.

Nesbitt, D., Molina, S. L., Sacko, R., Brian, A., Robinson, L. E., & Stodden, D. (2018). Examining the Feasibility of Supine-to-Stand as a Measure of Functional Motor Competence. Journal of Motor Learning and Development, 1-34. 

Brian, A., Haegele, J., Bostick, L., Lieberman, L., Nesbitt, D., Taunton, S., & Stodden, D. (2018). A Pilot Investigation of the Perceived Motor Competence of Children with Visual Impairments and Those Who are Sighted. Journal of Visual Impairments and Blindness, 112(1), 118-124.

Egan, C.A., Webster, C., Weaver, R.G., Brian, A., Stodden, D., Russ, L., Nesbitt, D. and Vazou, S. (2018). Partnerships for Active Children in Elementary Schools (PACES): First year process evaluation. Evaluation and program planning, 67, 61-69.

Nesbitt, D., Molina, S. L., Cattuzzo, M. T., Robinson, L. E., Phillips, D., & Stodden, D. (2017). Assessment of a Supine-to-Stand (STS) Task in Early Childhood: A Measure of Functional Motor Competence. Journal of Motor Learning and Development, 1-25.

Stodden, D., Sacko, R., & Nesbitt, D. (2017). A Review of the Promotion of Fitness Measures and Health Outcomes in Youth. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 11(3), 232-242.

Webster, C. A., & Nesbitt, D. (2017). Expanded roles of physical education teachers within a CSPAP and implications for PETE. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 88(3), 22-28.

Webster, C. A., Nesbitt, D., Lee, H., & Egan, C. (2017). Preservice Physical Education Teachers' Service-Learning Experiences Related to Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programming. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 1-37.

Webster, C. A., Zarrett, N., Cook, B. S., Egan, C., Nesbitt, D., & Weaver, R. G. (2017). Movement integration in elementary classrooms: Teacher perceptions and implications for program planning. Evaluation and program planning, 61, 134-143.

Webster, C. A., Stodden, D. F., Carson, R. L., Egan, C., & Nesbitt, D. (2016). Integrative public health- aligned physical education and implications for the professional preparation of future teachers and teacher educators/researchers in the field. Quest, 68(4), 457-474.

Nesbitt, D.R. (2015). Minor changes in instructional practices can have big results. Journal of Physical Education and Sports Management, 2(2), 1-17.



Nesbitt, D., Phillips, D. S., & Stodden, D. F. (2015, June). Feasibility of supine-to-stand time as a measure oflifespan motor competence. Annual meeting of North American Society for Psychology of Sport and PhysicalActivity, Portland, OR. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 37, S13.

 Nesbitt, D., Molina, S., & Stodden, D.F. (2016, June). Examining Supine-to-Stand as a Measure of FunctionalMotor Competence and Health in Children. Presentation at the annual meeting of North American Societyfor Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Montreal, CA. 

Nesbitt, D., Molina, S., Robinson, L., Brian, A., & Stodden, D. F. (2017, June). The relationship between Supine-to-Stand and health-related fitness in young adults. Presented at the annual meeting of North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, San Diego, CA. 

Nesbitt, D., True, L., & Stodden, D. F. (2017, June). The effect of motor competence "proficiency barriers" onhealth-related fitness. Presentation at the annual meeting of North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, San Diego, CA. 

Nesbitt, D., Cattuzzo, M., Soares, I., & Stodden, D. F. (2018, June). Is STS time a context-independentmeasurement for motor competence? A cross country comparison study (Brazil-US). Presented at theannual meeting of North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Denver, CO.   

Nesbitt, D., Der Ananian, C., Stodden, D. F., Vezina, J., Florez-Pregonero, A., & Ainsworth, B. (2020, June). Examining to the relationship between Supine-to-Stand, Motor Competence, and health-related fitness in middle-aged women ages 45-65 years.  Presented virtually at the annual meeting of North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. 

Brian, A., Nesbitt, D., Pennell, A., Taunton, S., Stribing, A., Gilbert, E., Patey, M., & Lieberman, L. (2019, June).Developing rigorous, practitioner-friendly motor/psychological assessments: Adapting exemplars from youthwith visual impairments to all disabilities [Building Session]. Presented at the International Symposium onAdapted Physical Activity, Charlottesville, VA. 

Brian, A., Nesbitt, D., Pennell, A., Stribing, A., Gilbert, E., Patey, M., & Stodden, D. (June, 2021). Supine-to-stand as a predictor of body weight status for youth with and without visual impairments. Presented at the International Symposium on Adapted Physical Activity, virtual. 

Luz, C., Cordovil, R., Rodrigues, L., Goodway, J., Sacko, R., Nesbitt, D., Ferkel, R., True, L., Stodden, D. (2018,June). A cross-cultural comparison of motor competence and health related fitness variables betweenPortuguese and American children. Presentation at the annual meeting of North American Society forPsychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Montreal, CA. 

Orth, N., Hand, A., Nesbitt, D., Terlizzi. B, & Sacko, R. (June, 2021). Comparison of supine-to-stand and weight-bearing lunge measures in US Army basic combat training trainees. Presented virtually at the annual meeting of North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. (International) 

Sacko, R., Pfeifer, C., Nesbitt, D.R., & Stodden, D.F. (2016, June). Product oriented throwing, kicking and jumping motor performance data across childhood. Presentation at the annual meeting of North American Societyfor Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Montreal, CA. 

Sacko, R., McIver, K., Gorab, J., Brian, A., Nesbitt, D.,  & Stodden, D. (2018, June). Children's MetabolicExpenditure during Object Projection Skill Performance. Presented at the annual meeting of NorthAmerican Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Denver, CO.


Nesbitt, D. R., Cattuzzo, M. T., Molina, S., Phillips, D. S., & Stodden, D. F. (2015, March). Supine-to-Stand Time asa Measure of Functional Status in Childhood. Presented at the annual meeting of Society of Health andPhysical Educators in America, Seattle, WA.

Nesbitt, D. R., Cattuzzo, M. T., Molina, S., Stodden, D. F., Robinson, L., & Phillips, D. S. (2016, April).Supine-to-stand: A measure of functional motor competence in preschool children. Presented at theannual meeting of Society of Health and Physical Educators in America, Minneapolis, MN. 

Nesbitt, D.R., Molina, S., & Stodden, D.F. (2016, July). Examining Supine-to-Stand as a Measure of FunctionalMotor Competence and Health in Children. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Esther Thelen Research Forum and Feldenkrais Conference, Asheville, NC. 

Nesbitt, D.R. (2016, July). Esther Thelen Research Forum: Developing Skillful Movers to Improve Health and Quality of Life. Invited panelist. Feldenkrais Method Conference. 

Nesbitt, D.R., Molina, S., Sacko, R., & Stodden, D.F. (2017, March). The relationship between Supine-to- Stand and health-related fitness in young adults. Presented at the annual meeting of Society of Health and Physical Educators in America, Boston, MA. 

Nesbitt, D.R., De Meester, A., & Stodden, D. F. (2019, April). Association between product-oriented motorcompetence and perceived competence in adolescence. To be presented at the annual meeting of Societyof Health and Physical Educators in America, Tampa, FL. 

Brian, A., Haegele, J., Bostick, L., Lieberman, L., Nesbitt, D., Stodden, D., & Taunton, S. (2016, September).Perceptions of motor competence for children with and without visual impairments. Presented at the annualmeeting of the North American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity. 

Center for Disease Control, Affiliates. (2019, April). Essential Components of Physical Education: Evidenced-BasedRecommendations to Improve Effectiveness. Presented at the annual meeting of Society of Health and Physical Educators in America, Tampa, FL. 

Egan, C.A., Webster, C.A., Weaver, R.G., Stodden, D. F., Brian, A., Russ, L.B., Nesbitt, D., &Michael, R.D. (2017, March). Differences in Classroom Teachers' Responses to a Movement IntegrationIntervention. Presented at the annual meeting of Society of Health and Physical Educators in America,Boston, MA. 

Egan, C.A., Webster, C.A., Beets, M.W., Michael, R. D., Weaver, R.G., Nesbitt, D., Russ, L.B., & Orendorff. (2018,March) School Day Sedentary Time and Behaviors: Systematic Review and Meta- Analysis. Presented atthe annual meeting of Society of Health and Physical Educators in America, Nashville, TN. 

Fisher, J., Webster, C.A., Lund, J., Stodden, D.F., Nesbitt, D.R., Brian, A. (2019, April). Elementary physicaleducation teacher assessment practices nationwide: Standard 1. Presented at SHAPE America NationalConvention and Expo, Tampa, Florida. 

Orth, N., Hand, A., Nesbitt, D., Terlizzi. B, & Sacko, R. (June, 2021). Comparison of product- and process-oriented measures of Supine-to-Stand measures in US Army Basic Combat Training Trainees. Presented at the 2021 American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Conference. 

Sacko, R.S., Nesbitt, D.R., McIver, K., & Stodden, D.F., (2017, March) Metabolic expenditure during objectprojection skill performance. Presented at the annual meeting of Society of Health and Physical Educatorsin America, Boston, MA. 

Webster, C. A., Nesbitt, D., Lee, H., & Egan, C. (2015, October). Learning to implement comprehensive schoolphysical activity programs: Experiences of preservice physical education teachers.Presentation at the Society for Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America Physical EducationTeacher Education (PETE) & Health Education Teacher Education (HETE) Conference, Atlanta, GA.


Nesbitt, D (Presenter & Author), Bullard, D (Presenter & Author), 2020 Excellence in Teaching Conference, "Physical Education Technology," FSU College of Education, Fayetteville, NC. (March 27, 2020).

Bott, T., Stodden, D.F., Molina, S., & Nesbitt, D. (2014, November). Examining Seefeldt's Proficiency Barrier: Can Skill Levels Predict Fitness? Presented at the annual conference of the South Carolina Alliance for Health,Physical Education Recreation and Dance, Myrtle Beach, SC.

Nesbitt, D. (April 21, 2021). Examining the relationship between Supine-to-Stand, Motor Competence, and Health-Related Fitness in Middle-Aged Women Ages 45-65 Years. Hackley Research Series, FSU.

Professional Affiliations

Society of Health and Physical Educators in America (SHAPE) 

South Carolina Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (SCAPHERD) 

North Carolina Alliance for Athletics, Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Dance, and Sport Management (NCAAHPERD) 

North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) 

International Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (IFAPA)  

International Motor Development Research Consortium (I-MDRC) 

Courses Taught

PEDU 302: Motor Learning 

PEDU 350: Functional Anatomy  

PEDU 421: Measurement and Evaluation 

PEDU 431: Adapted Physical Education    

PEDU 450: Physiology of Exercise/Kinesiology

EDUC 464: Methods and Materials in Health/Physical Education K-12

EDUC 480: Clinical Experience in Secondary School- HPE  

HEED 112: Health and Wellness  

PEDU 360: Theory and Practice in Elementary Physical Education