Political Science (Minor)

Passionate about politics, or public service, or your community? Add a Political Science minor to your major and live your dreams while making a difference.

The minor in Political Science may serve a variety of purposes and objectives. For students in majors where your intended career is increasingly involved with governmental regulation or policy (e.g., Business, Engineering, Education, Agriculture, Public Health), a minor in Political Science will help students gain helpful knowledge  about how various organizations interact with, or are impacted by, political institutions and public policy. For students majoring in a related social science discipline, a Political Science minor may provide needed breadth to better understand your own field. Finally, we expect that some students may engage in a Political Science minor to help them make sense of an increasingly complicated political world that confronts them in their roles as citizens.

Requirements for a minor in Political Science

Total 18 credit Hours

Grade of C or higher in all minor requirements.

POLI 200 And POLI 210 And POLI 320 And POLI 450 And POLI 460 And one course selected from the following: POLI 350 Or POLI 351 Or POLI 352 Or HIPO 310