Academic Profile

2017 Freshman Profile

Total freshman students enrolled 670
Female students 402
Male students 268
Under 20 years of age 629
In-state residents 614
Minority students 603
Non-Minority students 39
Total with an average SAT score <1000 267
Total with a high school GPA between 2.01- 3.00 263

2017 Enrollment

Total students enrolled 6,226
Female students 4,226
Under 24 years of age 3,134
Minority students 4,585
Non-Minority 1,263

Tuition for 2017-2018

Est. cost for in-state undergraduate students (incl. room/board) $13,580/yr
Est. cost for out-of-state undergraduate students (incl. room/board) $25,188/yr
Est. cost for in-state graduate students $6,040/yr
Est. cost for out-of-state graduate students $17,105/yr

FSU at a glance

Location Fayetteville, NC
Founded 1867

Dr. James A. Anderson

Degrees offered 33 bachelor’s degrees, 8 master’s degrees, 1 doctoral degree
Athletic conference Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association (CIAA)
Team Mascot Bronco
School Colors Blue and White
Student Life 78 registered student organizations, 4 fraternities, and 4 sororities
Motto Res Non Verba “Deeds not words”