Bronco One Stop Centralized Advising Center

Bronco One Stop-advicing

The Advising Center delivers high-quality advising services to undergraduate students by providing personalized, accurate, and timely academic resources, materials, and information to the campus community. Stop by to see your advisor in the Charles W. Chesnutt Library on the 2nd floor.

Advising Center Mission: The mission of the Advising Center is to promote student success by empowering students to take ownership for developing educational plans and achieving their life-long goals.

Vision: We aspire to take on a student-centered approach, by empowering students to take ownership of their education by caring, inspiring, informing, and collaborating with students to create holistic growth.

Advising Goals

While the ultimate responsibility for making educational planning decisions rests with students, the Bronco Advising Center is committed to the following objectives:

  • Provide information about degree requirements, university policies, procedures, and academic support resources, and educational opportunities relevant to student success
  • Clarify, interpret, and apply academic policies and requirements as needed
  • Help students develop educational plans to meet their academic goals and guide them through the process of value clarification
  • Provide assistance with registering for classes
  • Assist students in the selection of appropriate courses, other educational/experiential opportunities, and co-curricular programs
  • Communicate with students about their academic needs, standing, and performance.
  • Foster meaningful advisor-advisee relationships that focus on the unique growth and development of each student
  • Provide information about academic programs and educational opportunities
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