What Are the Benefits of the Writing & Communication Center?
Working in the Writing & Communication Center provides an opportunity for professional development in one-on-one tutoring and small group instructing through workshops. It offers practical experience and career training for aspiring educators, as tutors may even serve as classroom assistants in English 110/120 courses. Writing Center tutors better understand processes of composition and this increased awareness, it allows tutors not only to help others effectively but also to improve their own writing. In addition to these benefits, the Writing & Communication Center offers the opportunity to join a dynamic community where productive conversations and collaborations take place.
Who May Apply to Work in the Writing & Communication Center?
Any undergraduate and graduate student, who has completed English 110/120 with a high score (despite your intended major) may apply. We accept applications from all majors, so long as the minimum qualifications have been met. We hire throughout the semester (Fall and Spring) and usually have employment opportunities during the summer. As a fellow Writing Center mentions, "all applicants should have excellent interpersonal skills, the ability to relate well to others within an academic environment, a willingness to learn, and the ability to assist students in the writing process."
Early College and Pre-college students are unable to take advantage of this opportunity until they have graduated high school.
What Are the Required Qualifications?
• Must have student status at FSU in any discipline of study.
• Must have successfully completed ENGL 110/120 with a grade of B or better, as a minimum qualification for employment, or have equivalent academic or professional experience.
What Application Materials Should I Submit and When Are They Due?
In order to apply for a position as a Writing & Communication Center Peer or Professional Tutor, please follow the instructions below:
1 A completed application form. Please email the Writing Center Coordinator to receive one via email at hbass2@uncfsu.edu.
2 Curriculum vitae / Resume
3 Writing sample (3-5 pages in length)
4 1-2 recommendation forms (preferably from instructors familiar with the applicant's writing skills). Faculty must submit the form directly to the Writing & Communication Center Coordinator via email.
5 Applicants must submit all completed materials (excluding the recommendation form) as a single packet to the Writing & Communication Center Coordinator either in-person (Helen T. Chick Building, Room 218) or online via email and hbass2@uncfsu.edu.
What Is the Hiring Process?
Following a careful review of all application materials, qualified applicants will be contacted via e-mail for an interview on a rolling basis. Successful applicants can expect the interview to consist of the following agenda: interview questions, availability, grammar quiz, and any questions from the interviewee. Once completed, the Writing & Communication Center Coordinator will evaluate the material and get back to you regarding your status.
For additional information about application and hiring procedures, please contact the Writing & Communication Center Coordinator.
What Is the Difference between a Peer Tutor and Professional Tutor?
Peer Writing & Communication Center Tutors are FSU students tutoring their peers. Professional Writing & Communication Center Tutors are individuals who possess either a BA and/or MA degree and tutor FSU students.
If Selected, When Will I Start and Will I Be Offered Training?
If selected to be a tutor, your information will be sent to the Director of the Learning Center, Mrs. Bradford, and a hiring proposal is created and sent to Human Resources (HR). HR will then contact you via e-mail with a request to do a background check, so we recommend you keep an eye on your e-mail. The Writing & Communication Center Coordinator will keep you up-to-date regarding your hiring process, but it can take about two weeks for current students or longer for non-students to get the paperwork processed. Once the paperwork is processed, you will receive your FSU Contract via e-mail. Your contract will state your pay and how many hours you are allowed to work each week. Once your contract is signed electronically, you are able to officially start tutoring!
Because we would like to better serve our student population, all newly-hired tutors must go through a training course by completing the below training:
- Tutor Lingo
Please register and complete all 9 of the modules listed in the training.
- Go2Knowledge
Please register and for specific areas please enter
Department: The Learning Center
Supervisor: Erika Bradford and
Complete the following:
1. FERPA Training & Compliance for Frontline Staff
2. Friday 5 Live! Get Thee to Tutoring! How to Increase Student Usage of Tutoring & Learning Support Resources
3. Training of your choice (Writing related)
Upon completion, forward certificates of each module to the Writing & Communication Center Coordinator.
Just so new hires feel comfortable and prepared before starting their sessions, we like to have our new-hires shadow a seasoned Writing & Communication Center staff member or Coordinator before starting their first session with students. Once the above training and shadowing are completed, tutors will be responsible for tutoring students in the writing process, including, but not limited to, collaborating with students on writing development, organization, argument, and evidence. After your first week, the Writing & Communication Center Coordinator will sit in on one of your sessions (at a decent distance) to give you any helpful tips and tools to strengthen your tutorial sessions. This is all to better strengthen your skills as a tutor and enhance your sessions with students.
In addition, we also provide tutor training orientation per semester to ensure that tutors are prepared to work with all of the different types of student populations here at Fayetteville State University. During this training, tutors will work alongside their peers to complete hands-up training, share tutoring strategies, and learn from professionals in the field. Attendance for this training is mandatory.
What Will My Schedule Be Like? How Much Will I Get Paid?
Tutors have flexibility in their scheduling and typically work between ten to twenty hours per week. As a Peer Writing Tutor, your contract allows you to work up to twenty hours a week. Professional Writing Tutors can work up to twenty-five to thirty hours a week, depending on their contract. However, the number of hours assigned is subject to FSU needs and budgetary considerations so even these numbers are subject to change. Currently, tutors are paid approximately $11 for undergraduates and $11.50 for graduate students.