How do I submit a work request?
Anyone can submit a general maintenance request (e.g. light bulb out, running toilet, heating problems) using the SUBMIT A WORK ORDER link.
If your request is for billable work, it must be submitted through a registered requestor from your department. If your department does not have a representative, ask your supervisor to create a work order account by completing the Registered User Request Form [PDF]. Email the completed form facilities411@uncfsu.edu
TMA Work Order Process: Students
TMA Work Order Process: Faculty/Staff
What if I need to edit or cancel a previously submitted work order?
Once a work order has been submitted, it cannot be changed by the user. Should a work order need to be edited after it has been entered into the system, please email facilities411@uncfsu.edu or call 910-672-2411 and a Facilities representative will assist you.
Why did I not receive a work order number after submitting an order?
Successfully submitted work requests will always have a work request number attached to it. If you do not receive a request number, then the request was not received and needs to be resubmitted. After completing the work request form, make sure you hit the “SAVE” button.
If your complete email address (e.g. including @uncfsu.edu.edu) is not entered with the submitted request, you will not receive an email notification.
Please note that your submission is only a request until the facilities customer service center accepts it and generates a work order number.
Is general maintenance charged to my FOAP (Funding Source)?
No. Anything that is considered general maintenance, such as replacing light bulbs or reporting that a toilet has been clogged, will not be charged to your FOAP.
I put the wrong FOAP (Funding Source) in a submitted work order. What should I do?
If you discover that the FOAP (Funding Source) information you have provided is inaccurate, call the Facilities Customer Service Center at 910-672-2411 to change the information.
How can I request an estimate and design plans for a renovation / construction project?
Complete the Project Request Form (PRF) to estimate any services needed for all construction, renovations, modifications or changes to existing facilities.
How can I find assistance for a relocation/move?
Complete and submit a work order SUBMIT A WORK ORDER. You will be contacted for additional details so that an estimate and schedule can be developed and approved.
How do I submit a key request?
Complete and submit a work order Key Request and attached the signed Key Request Form