Election Activity

Our Commitment

Fayetteville State University is a strong supporter of student involvement in the voting process.  Registered student organizations are encouraged to hold voter registration drives, as well as host voter education forums and invite candidates to campus events. However, as a state institution every voting related activity is scrutinized to ensure non-partisanship and fair, equal treatment of all candidates.

To that end, we ask that all candidates adhere to policies regarding political campaigning on campus. These policies and our implementation are based on North Carolina General Statutes Section 126-13 and 126-14. These policies apply to FSU faculty, staff, and students as well as individuals external to FSU. The policies are not intended to limit discussion among faculty, administrators, and other State employees regarding political or campaign issues, or candidates, or to limit debate.

Policy Summary

  1. The campus free speech zone is located in front of the Rudolph Jones Student Center. You and/or your campaign staff may distribute campaign materials in this area only.
  2. You may not register voters on campus. The only entities approved for voter registration are registered student organizations.
  3. Flyers may not be posted on campus. This includes poles, classrooms, trees, building interiors and exteriors, and any office exterior doors or windows.
  4. Candidates, campaign staff and volunteers may not interrupt classes to promote campaigns/events/candidate.
  5. Sponsors of student-sponsored campus events related to voting/voting education must extend an invitation to all candidates for a particular office, if they plan to invite one. The event may proceed if the other candidates decline the invitation.
  6. The University logo and/or any other registered trademarks may not be used in association with any campaign literature.
  7. We would consider it a courtesy if you inform us of your plans to be on campus. You may do so by calling (910) 672-1685 or sending an email to wtfountain01@uncfsu.edu.

What is on my ballot this year/What am I voting on?

  • What is on your ballot depends on where you are registered to vote. Your address will determine which districts and candidates you will see. If you are a registered voter in NC, you can do a voter lookup and view your sample ballot, which shows all the choices you'll have on election day.

What should I register as?

  • It's up to you! This is what the NC State Board of Elections says about party affiliation: "There are five recognized political parties in North Carolina: Constitution, Democratic, Green, Libertarian and Republican. Voter registration applicants may choose one of these political parties when completing a voter registration application, or they may choose not to register with a political party affiliation. In this case, the voter's party affiliation will be designated as Unaffiliated. North Carolina has a semi-closed primary system. In a partisan primary, voters who are affiliated with a political party may only vote the partisan ballot for the party for which they are affiliated; they are closed from voting in another party's primary. Unaffiliated voters may vote in any one recognized party's primary. In a General Election, voters may vote for the candidate(s) of their choice, regardless of the candidate(s)' party affiliation. There is no longer straight-party voting in North Carolina. Voters must make a separate selection for each contest."

What if I'm registered at home?

  • Students attending college in North Carolina may register at their school address. You must plan to return after temporary absences, like summer break, but do not have to plan to reside at that address permanently.
  • Students may choose to register or remain registered at a permanent address in North Carolina or outside the state. In this case, students may need to vote by absentee ballot or travel there to vote.
  • You may only vote in one location.

Do I need a photo ID?

  • Yes. Voters will be asked to show photo ID when voting in North Carolina, starting with the 2023 municipal elections. Those elections occur in September, October, and November, depending on the town or city. The State Board has developed a process for approving student and public employee IDs for voting. View the list of approved IDs. For more information, see Voter ID and FAQ: Voter ID. These web pages will be updated frequently with the latest information.

Will voting in NC affect my federal financial aid?

  • Where you register to vote will not affect federal financial aid such as Pell Grants and Perkins or Stafford loans or your dependency status regarding FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).

Will registering to vote in NC affect my scholarship?

  • If you receive scholarship money from a state, county, town, or private entity (i.e., an entity other than the federal government) you should confirm that residency in a particular place is not a requirement of the scholarship and/or that voter registration in NC will not affect your eligibility.