Student Resources for Online Learning
Canvas Help and Support
- Canvas Help Hotline: 877-242-4910
- Canvas Help Chat
- Canvas Student Guides
- Getting Started with Canvas for Students-10 Steps (PDF)
Upswing Online Tutoring
- Access through FSU Engage.
- How to Use Upswing Tutoring as a Student
- How to Use Upswing Writing Lab Essay Review: Writing experts give advice and edits on your papers.
- Ana: A virtual text messaging assistant.
Exam Proctoring Resources
Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor
Uses a specialized browser, webcam, and video technology to record exam sessions and flags suspicious behavior for later viewing by your professors.
Web Conferencing Tools
- Canvas Conferences
- How do I use Conferences in a course as a student?
- How do I create a conference in a student group?
- How do I join a conference in a course as a student?
Microsoft Teams
Etiquette, Protocols & Tips for Success
Self Help Apps
- Meditation & Mindfulness
- General Mental Health & Wellness
- Sleep
- Suicide and Self-Harm
- Mood
- And more!