Chapter 800 Matters of University-Wide Significance
801. Adverse Weather and Emergency Events
804. Board of Trustees Appellate Policy and Procedures
805. Criminal Background Checks for Volunteers and Contractors
806. Freedom of Speech and Expression
808. Pandemic Flu Plan Appendix H (Guidance on Responding to Novel Influenza A)
809. Illegal Drugs and Alcohol
809.1 Drug-Free Schools and Communities Notification
810. Management and Disposal of Mercury-Containing Devices
813. Naming of University Facilities and Programs
815. Ordinance Governing Traffic, Parking, and the Registration of Motor Vehicles
818. Protection of Minors on Campus
820. Review and Approval of University Contracts
821. Smoking in Facilities and on Grounds
826. Unauthorized Distribution of Copyrighted Work (Copyright Infringement)