User Fees
User Type |
Regular Hours (M - F, 8 am - 5 pm) |
Off-Peak Hours (5 pm - 8 am and weekend) |
Regular Hours (M - F, 8 am - 5 pm) |
Off-Peak Hours (5 pm - 8 am and weekend) |
FSU user |
$30/h |
$20/h |
$20/h |
$15/h |
None |
External non-industry user |
$40/h |
$30/h |
$30/h |
$20/h |
$100/sample |
Industry user |
$150/h (or $2,000/day) |
$150/h (or $2,000/day) |
$75/h (or $1,000/day) |
$75/h (or $1,000/day) |
$150/sample |
1. For technical assistance or sample preparation by staff if needed, additional staff time cost is added at $30/h for FSU users, $40/h for external non-industry user, or $100/h for industry user. The industrial rate of the instrument includes the staff time cost.
2. Sample preparation kit consumables cost (embedding and polishing) is charged at $20/batch.
3. Coating is charged at $20/batch by user, or $40/batch by staff.