Teaching Review

Student success in the core curriculum requires excellent teaching. The core review will examine the state of teaching and learning in the core.

Principle: Core courses should incorporate evidence-based teaching practices that lead to student success. Both general and discipline-specific teaching practices must inform the instruction of all core courses. Teaching practices must address the extraordinary diversity of FSU students.

Excellence | Exemplars | Subcommittee



Teaching Excellence

There are many factors that go into student success, but one of those factors is the quality of instruction. And quality of instruction is a factor FSU can influence. A growing body of research suggests that there are best practices in instructional design and delivery that can improve student achievement.


Quality Matters

FSU has long recognized the importance of good course design in online courses. Every FSU instructor teaching online must complete training designed by the Office of Faculty Development and Online Education. This training is based on Quality Matters, an organization that promotes excellence in online teaching. Because most FSU instructors teach at least one course online, most instructors teaching core courses have completed this training.

However, most general education courses are taught face-to-face. The Core Review Task Force wants to ensure that all core courses, whether taught online or face-to-face, are well designed to promote the success of all students.



The Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) is a national organization that promotes evidence-based teaching practices for the online and face-to-face environments. FSU has partnered with ACUE to provide training for FSU faculty.



The American Association of Colleges & Universities (AAC&U) promotes excellence in undergraduate education through its Office of Curricular and Pedagogical Innovation



Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a set of principles and tools to design instruction for all learners. More...



Exemplary Programs

The Core Review Task Force will study the work of exemplary programs to improve core teaching and learning.





To recommend standards for teaching and learning in core courses. General standards include research-based practices that promote learning, equity, and student success in all courses. Discipline-specific standards include those specific to areas such as the natural sciences, social sciences, or humanities.


Chair: John Brooks, Associate Professor of History, CHSS, jibrooks@uncfsu.edu.

Subcommittee Members

Dr. John Brooks
Associate Professor of History , College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Dr. Daniel Autrey
Professor, Chair, Lloyd College of Health, Science, and Technology

Dr. Erica Campbell
Associate Professor of Social Work, College of Humanities and Social Sciences Ecampb11@uncfsu.edu

Ms. Wrenn Crowe
Lead Retention Advisor, Academic Affairs

Prof. Jeremy Fiebig
Professor of Theater, College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Dr. Jose Franco-Rodriguez
Professor of Spanish, College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Dr. Heather Griffiths
Associate Professor Sociology, College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Dr. Bonnie Grohe
Director, Office of Faculty Development, Academic Affairs

Dr. Terrence McAllister
Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership, College of Education

Mr. James McDuffie
University Program Associate, Academic Affairs

Dr. Joshua Murray
Assistant Professor of English, College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Dr. Tyechia Paul
Assistant Professor of Management, Broadwell College of Business and Economics

Dr. Abdoul Wane
Professor of Economics, Chair, Broadwell College of Business and Economics