June 3 - August 16, 2024  FSU undergraduate Thomas Muarry attended the CHRNS CORE summer internship at NIST.

January 9, 2024 FSU undergrauate Angelina K. Locke was accepted into the Ph.D. program at Purdue University.

May 22 - August 4, 2023  FSU undergraduate Thomas Muarry attended the CHRNS CORE summer internship at NIST.

June 1 to July 24, 2022 FSU undergraduate Tamela Moore attended REU research summer internship at Tuskegee University.

May 23, 2022 to August 05, 2022  FSU undergraduates Caressia Edwards and Washat Ware attended the NSIT SURF summer internship program at NIST.

October 1, 2020    Ms. Tashi Hatchell, a chemistry major at the Department of Chemistry, Physics and Materials Science, and an NSF EIR-funded Scholar at the Interdisciplinary Materials Research and Education Laboratory (IMREL), recently received a prestigious Student Poster Award based on competition. She was among the nine awardees in the category of Physical Sciences internationally (
FSU News: Fayetteville State University Chemistry Student and Veteran Receive Prestigious Honor at International Conference. [Link]

December 1-6, 2019    Five undergraduates attend the 2019 MRS Fall Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts: Jessa Guffie (MRS FSU Chapter President), Carlos Posada (MRS FSU Chapter Vice President), Jacob Hayes (MRS FSU Chapter Secretary), Candyce Collins (MRS FSU Chapter member), and Washat Roxanne Ware (MRS FSU Chapter member).

November 22, 2019    Dr. Dan Neumann, Director of CHRNS, and Dr. Julie Borchers, Associate Director of CHRNS, visited FSU and presented a seminar entitled "Neutrons at NIST".

July 9, 2019    NSF funded IMREL with a research project entitled "Excellence in Research: Collaborative Research on Nanosensors to Develop Research Capacities at Interdisciplinary Materials Research and Education Laboratory (IMREL)". [Link]

May 3, 2019    Candyce Collins was awarded as the Student of the Year 2018-2019, Department of Chemistry and Physics.

April 1, 2019    Dr. Sivasankara Rao Ede joined our group as a Postdoctoral Fellow.

March 21, 2019    Candyce Collins and Washat Roxanne Ware were selected to attend the NIST SURF Gaithersburg program in MML/NCNR Materials Science from May 28, 2019 to August 9, 2019.

August 26, 2018    The IMREL-CHRNS PREM (IC-PREM) project was funded by NSF. [Link]

April 10, 2018    Zariana Mobley received the "Student of the Year" award of the Department of Chemistry and Physics.

April 4, 2018    Zariana Mobley and Jesus Riveracorrea were accepted for summer intern research at DoD Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C.

March 20, 2018    Carlin Ashford and Aleeyah Johniken were accepted for NSF-supported REU 2018 summer research from 05/27/2018 to 07/27/2018 at Tuskegee University. Congratulations!

November 30, 2017    Eight undergraduates received 2017 IMREL Student Award: Carlin Ashford, Marion Graylion, Shanell Jackson, Aleeyah Johniken, Tyhirah Livingston, Zariana Mobley, Larissa Stewart, and Tajah Trapier. Congratulations to them!

May 26, 2017    Zariana Mobley was accepted for DoD Summer Internship Program from 05/30/2017 to 08/06/2017 at Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C.

May 26, 2017     Three undergraduates (Chibu Umerah, Daniel Loeven, Lenore Miller) were accepted for NSF-funded REU summer research from 05/28/2017 to 07/28/2017 at Tuskegee University. Congratulations to them!

May 23, 2017     Undergraduate Carlin Ashford was accepted for NSF-funded REU summer research from 05/23/2017 to 08/01/2017 at University of Houston. Congratulations to him!

May 13, 2017     Two undergraduates (Shardai Johnson and Chibu Umerah) graduated from FSU. They received BS in Chemistry with minor in Materials Science. They were accepted for NSF IGERT Fellowship graduate program at Tuskegee University. Congratulations to them!

February 17, 2017    The Fayetteville State University Student Chapter of the Materials Research Society has been awarded with a Special Projects Grant in $999.34 from the Materials Research Society Foundation. This grant will support research activities by the Materials Science students. This project is led by the President of the Student Chapter, Chibu Umerah, undergraduate at FSU with major in Chemistry and minor in Materials Science.

January 25, 2017    An undergraduate Laura Lovell was selected to participate in the Department of Energy's (DOE) Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) program at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) for the Summer 2017 Term.She will conduct a research project on Nanostructured Catalysts.

December 2, 2016    An undergraduate Chibu Umerah received a travel award for the 2017 Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in STEM. She will present her research conducted during REU research at Tuskegee University in summer 2016, supervised by Dr. Vijaya Rangari.

November 4, 2016    An undergraduate Laura Lovell in the Materials Science Program was awarded with Excellence for Best Research Presentation at the 24th International Conference on Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry (CAARI 2016), October 30 - November 4, 2016, Fort Worth, Texas.  [Link]

August 9, 2016    Materials Science Program was recognized as BroncoBest with 100% Student Service Satisfaction for the 2015-2016 Academic Year.

May 18, 2016    Three female undergraduates (Shardai Johnson, Chibu Umerah and Christina Young) were accepted for NSF-sponsored REU summer research from May 29 to July 29 at Tuskegee University. Each of them is provided with a stipend of $5,000. Congratulations to them!
April 26, 2016    An undergraduate Materials Science minor Christina Young was accepted to Tuskegee University for Master of Science Degree in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.
April 15, 2016    Student Presentation and Student Award Ceremony. Three undergraduate students (Shardai Johnson, Chibu Umerah and Christina Young) presented research at IMREL. The following students were recognized for IMREL Student Award for Excellence in Research: Shardai Johnson, Chibu Umerah, Christina Young, John Moch, Laura Lovell, Shivaliben Patel, Emily Oshita, Daniel Loven and Furaha Ive.
Student Award
                                                    IMREL Student Award Ceremony
March 8, 2016    An undergraduate Materials Science minor Mr. John Moch was accepted to participate the prestigious Blue Waters Student Internship Program, with a stipend of $5,000.
February 3, 2016    An undergraduate Materials Science minor Ms. Shivaliben Patel was selected to serve as Chancellor for a Day on February 3, 2016.  [Link]

July 27, 2015    An undergraduate Materials Science minor Ms. Shardai Johnson conducted research with Dr. Zhiping Luo at Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL. The work was published on J. Nanomater.  [Link]

May 17, 2015  - July 24, 2015    An undergraduate Materials Science minor Ms. Shardai Johnson conducted NSF-supported REU research at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, with a stipend of $5,000.  [Link]

May 2015    An undergraduate student Noel Niyoyankunze was accepted to the Materials Science Program for master degreee at Norfolk State University.
November 30 - December 5, 2014    An undergraduate Materials Science minor Ms. Chibu Umerah was involved in a project which was awarded as the 3rd Place in Innovation in Materials Science Competition at the Materials Research Society 2014 Fall Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. Title: ViVex-Cel Advanced Wound Recovery Device, by Dr. Dr. Carla Raineri Padilla and Ms. Chibu Umerah.  [Link]