Dr. Yufang Bao
Professor in Mathematics
Office: Science & Technology 223
Phone: (910) 672-2437
Email: ybao@uncfsu.edu
Personal Homepage:
Dr. Bao, is currently a professor at the UNC Fayetteville State University. She graduated from the Fujian Normal University in China with a B.S. and M.S. in Mathematics and later earned a Ph.D in Statistics and Probability from Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China and a Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from North Carolina State University, NC, USA.
MATH 121 Introduction to College Algebra
MATH 123 College Algebra
MATH 129 Precalculus Mathematics I
MATH 130 Precalculus Mathematics II
MATH 142 Calculus I
MATH 472 Theory of Numbers
STAT 202 Basic Probability and Stats
STAT 301 Introduction to Probability
STAT 302 Mathematical Statistics
STAT 561 Probability Theory
STAT 661 Advanced Probability Theory
Dr. Bao's research interest is mathematical/statistical digital image processing, and its application in medical imaging.
Bao, Y., Krim, H. (July, 2023). Data representation: from multiscale transforms to neural networks. Signal Processing Theory and Machine Learning, 1st Edition (vol. 1). Elsevier.
Y. Bao, 2022, Varied Few-Shot Relation Network for Non-Uniformly Distributed Source, 25th International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, & Pattern Recognition (IPCV'21: July 26-29, 2021, USA).
Y. Bao work with J. Cui and B. Zhang. Stability By Iterative Method for Fractional Differential Equations with Time-Varying Coefficients Using differential equations in neural networks, working paper.
Y. Bao and H. Krim, 2018, Video Tracking of Insect Flight Path: Towards Behavioral Assessment, IEEE Xplore, DOI: 10.1109/IPTA.2018.8608167, 2018 Eighth International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA): Pp. 1-6
Y. Bao, R. Kannan, and S. Sukumar, 2016 Cuda-Aware MPI+Acc Fast Fourier Transform for Large Size 3D Data Using Multiple GPUs, software tested in TITAN Machine at Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL report)
Bao, Y., Yin, Y. Musa, L. (2015). Face Recognition and Using Ratios of Face Features in Gender Identification. Las Vegas, Nevada: Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, & Pattern Recognition. pp. 17-23.
Bao, Y., Krim, H. (2014). Discrete Multi-Scale Transforms in Signal Processing. Academic Press Library in Signal Processing, 1st Edition Signal Processing Theory and Machine Learning (vol. 1, Chapter 9, pp. 467-560 (total 127 pages)). Elsevier.
Bao, Y. Maudsley, A. (2012), Polynomial Fitting Improved Bayesian Reconstruction Method for Whole Brain Volumetric MRSI Metabolite Images. The Open Medical Imaging Journal, accepted, in press.
Tang, W. and Bao, Y. (advisor) (2012) "Divergence Measurements of Empty Parking Spaces", Explorations, Vol. VII, pp118-135
Bao, Y. (2011). Mathematical Analysis of SMASH-Based Reconstruction Methods for Parallel MRI. International Journal of Intelligent Computing in Medical Science and Image Processing, 4(1), 65-76.
Bao,Y and Wong K., 2010, Simulation of Grass Land Distribution in North Carolina, Proceedings of ICEME.
Y. Bao and A. Maudsley, 2007, Improved reconstruction for MR spectroscopic imaging, full paper, IEEE Transactions on Medical imaging (TMI), May, No. 5 pp. 686-695.
Y. Bao and A. Maudsley, 2007, Parallel image reconstruction in the GRAPPA formalism, IBIS
Y. Bao and A. Maudsley, 2006, Polynomial fitting adapted volumetric metabolite image reconstruction, ISMRM proceedings for Data processing for MR Spectroscopy and Imaging
Y. Bao and A. Maudsley, 2006, MRSI Data reconstruction using generalized SENSE, IBIS
Y. Bao and A. Maudsley, 2003, Improved MR metabolite image reconstruction. in Proceedings of IEEE workshop on statistical signal processing.
Y. Bao and H. Krim, 2004, Smart nonlinear diffusion: a probabilistic approach, full paper, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), Jan. Vol. 26. No.1. pp. 63-72
Y. Bao and H. Krim, 2001, Upon bridging scale-space to multiscale frame analyses, book chapter in Wavelets in Signal and Image Analysis: From Theory to Practice, Computational Imaging and Vision, Volume 19, one book chapter (Chapter 6), Editors: A. A. Petrosian and F. Meyer, Kluwer Publisher.
Y. Bao, 1999, The absolute continuity for the occupation time of the super Ornstein-Uhlenbeck, Acta Mathematica Scientia, Vol. 19 No. 1