Veterans in the Community (VACOM)

The School of Nursing at Fayetteville State University recently won Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) fund establishing the 3-year VACOM Project. Veterans in the Community (VACOM) is a collaborative partnership between veterans, the School of Nursing, and Community Partners.

Goals of the Program 

Recruit veterans into the undergraduate nursing program, ensure their successful matriculation into upper division nursing courses, equip them with the interest and competencies necessary to deliver value-based community-based/primary care, and improve population health outcomes in Cumberland County by increasing access to care. 

Establish a VACOM Fellows Program for faculty and affiliated preceptors promoting competence and veteran centeredness in community-based/primary care. 

Students participating in VACOM are paired with Faculty Mentors, who themselves are veterans, and peer tutors. Participants also receive a stipend while enrolled in upper division nursing courses.  

This project is supported by HRSA grant U2VHP33061. 

Project Director Dr. Afua O. Arhin

* Program funding has been expended, future funding may be sought.