
Compliance Alerts

The Division of Legal, Audit, Risk and Compliance periodically issues Compliance Alerts to members of the campus community. These alerts are meant to provide information and guidance, and to ensure compliance with various policies, regulations and laws.

It is imperative that you review the Compliance Alerts and govern yourself accordingly. If you have any questions about the information contained in the Compliance Alerts please reach out to the Division for assistance.

November 2021: Information Security Standards

January 2022: Compliance Reporting

March 2022: Protection of Minors on Campus

May 2022: Volunteers

August 2022: Academic Dishonest

October 2022: The Clery Act

March 2023: Threat Assessment Program

September 2023: Retaliation

October 2023: Non-Discrimination

November 2023: Ethical Conduct

December 2023:Risk and Compliance Reporting

January 2024: Disruptive Behavior Violates the Code

February 2024: Student Accommodations & Pregnant Workers Fairness Act

March 2024: Title IX

April 2024:First Amendment and Free Speech Annual Notification